A Theatre collective developing new plays and playwrights.

Based in Central Florida.

Thanks for coming out!

Written by Bethany Dickens Assaf
Directed by Valeria Hernández, Assisted by Ruby Dickerson
Performed by Charis Watler

Rylan is trapped in Anderson, Indiana. Same high school friends. Same parties. Same down-and-out job at the mini-mart twelve miles north of town. Same friend, except he's a vampire now, and he's draining Rylan dry.
Rylan wants out.

How It Gets In is a Development Production of a play-in-progress! Click here to learn more about new play development at Whiskey Theatre Factory.

Your ticket to the show also includes a second act, developmental staged reading of A Sign That You Were Alive, a vampiric family drama by Rebecca Kane.

Want to make Theatre with us?

We are always looking for Central Florida playwrights and theatre artists to connect with. Fill out a survey and tell us more about yourself. Also, make sure to read our ‘About’ page!

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Header Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash