Our Programs
Community Programs
The Collective
Every year, Whiskey Theatre Factory brings together a Collective of 8-12 theatre artists (playwrights and those interested in new plays) to help plan our upcoming season, engage in workshops, and direct, act in, and stage manage plays in progress! Applications open in the Spring. Applicants must have attended Four Salons or been a part of two Distilleries and/or Developmental Productions to apply.
Nomadic Theatre Brunches
In 2023, Whiskey Theatre Factory recognized a need in our community for Nomadic Theatre Companies to come together, network, and discuss the opportunities and challenges of creating art in our community. We are proud to now host 4-6 brunches a year for anyone working at or with these companies. Email Charis@WhiskeyTheatreFactory.com to get on the invite list!
New Play Support
Whiskey Theatre Factory offers new play development, dramaturgical, and grant writing support to any local theatre company looking to develop plays and playwrights. Email Bethany@WhiskeyTheatreFactory.com for more information.
Annual One-Minute Play Festival
12 Playwrights. 10 Minutes, to write a 1 minute play, that’s then performed in front of a live audience! Since 2021, WTF has been bringing this fun, hilarious, creative experience to audiences and providing an opportunity for playwrights to connect, have fun, and create something new!
Social Medi-uhhhhh
Coming in 2025!